Mellemøsten og Nordafrika

DIIS forsker i sikkerhed, konflikter og social utilfredshed i Mellemøsten. Herunder sekteriske og regionale konflikter, modstandskamp, landenes indbyrdes rivalisering og migration.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Summit of the Arab League and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Riyadh
    DIIS Auditorium
    How will the Gaza war change the Middle East and how will a future Middle East look like? What impact will it have on perceptions of the rules-based world order?
  • Muslim militant in sunset
    DIIS Auditorium
    Why have we never seen peace negotiations with current or former affiliates of al-Qaeda or the Islamic State? And what could we expect to happen if such a strategy was in fact pursued?
  • Gaza Palestinians near the border separating the Gaza Strip and Egypt in Rafah
    DIIS Auditorium
    Gaza var en del af Egypten fra 1948-1967, og egypterne har kæmpet fire krige mod Israel, men var samtidig det første arabiske land, der sluttede fred med Israel i 1979 . I dag frygter egypterne, at to millioner palæstinensere fra Gaza vil blive presset ind i et Egypten, der er ramt af en dyb økonomisk krise. På dette seminar giver vi indblik i, hvordan krigen påvirker egypterne
  • Iver Huitfeldt navy ship to the Red Sea
    DIIS, auditorium
    Hvad vil houthierne opnå med deres angreb, og hvad kan konsekvensen blive af den danske deltagelse i modangrebet? Det giver fire eksperter svar på til dette seminar
  • European and African leaders discussing climate change problems - AI generated
    DIIS Auditorium
    Join us for an open discussion on how to rethink climate, peace and security efforts with African partners
  • UN soldier
    DIIS Auditorium
    The closure of the UN mission in Mali in 2023 is bound to open up many questions about the future of peacekeeping as a form of multilateral intervention. Join this seminar to learn more from leading experts in the field
  • Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar brings together leading scholars on humanitarianism to discuss the state of humanitarianism today, its historical entanglements and its future
  • Leaders meeting
    Charlottehaven, Hjørringgade 12C, 2100 Copenhagen
    This seminar brings together leading scholars to provide insights into the history, politics and ideology of the Hamas movement and how it differs from other jihadist movements
  • Erdogan and Tyrkish flag
    DIIS, auditorium
    Den 29. oktober fylder Tyrkiet 100 år. Hvor står Erdogans Tyrkiet i dag? Og hvordan forholder det sig til Atatürks Tyrkiet fra 1923? Kom til gå-hjem seminar og hør om, hvad Tyrkiets 100-årige historie betyder for forholdet til os i Europa i dag, mm.
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • Både ved strand
    DIIS Auditorium
    Autoetnography is emerging as a trend in current research. Come and reflect on the different ways to use personal experience and positionality with four migration scholars
  • book confronting the Caliphate
    DIIS Auditorium
    Occupying a square to prevent the Sharia-judge from amputating a teenager’s hand, spraying forbidden graffiti at public buildings, secretly listening to nonreligious music at home, or shouting anti-jihadist slogans with hundreds of others at a public protest: these are only a few examples of a much larger range of nonviolent resistance behavior displayed by civilians who have lived under the repressive rule of jihadists
  • flooded homes within a village after the River Nile broke the dykes in Jonglei State, South Sudan, October 5, 2020.
    DIIS Auditorium
    Defying the state in theory and practice
  • Arabisk skrift på tavle
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do Al-Qaeda and Islamic State use Islamic thought as justification for their ideology and how do the two movements differ? Three researchers give us their perspectives at this seminar
  • Migrants on a truck
    Climate change is often seen as causing migration. This excludes the many other causes of, and responsibilities for, crises that follow climate-change. Join us for this seminar where expert Jesse Ribot offers an insight into the multiple causes producing precarity and shaping migration in Senegal
  • Cover DIIS Report 2022 01 Women on the move
    Online via Zoom
    In the past years we have seen images of West African women en route to Europe crossing the Mediterranean and currently newspapers and media are brimming with images of Ukrainian women.
  • purple_sea_syria_refugees_migration
    Interview/Docs & Talks
    EU har i årevis ikke kunnet blive enige om et fælles svar på udfordringen med migration på Middelhavet. I stedet har man forsøgt at lukke grænserne til Tyrkiet og Libyen. Det har kostet menneskeliv, forklarer to forskere.
  • Transnational Jihad – Explaining Escalation and Containment, photo by getmilitaryphotos
    This seminar takes stock of the global jihadi movement 20 years after 9/11. Leading scholars will share their thoughts on the internal debates and divisions within the jihadi movement today.
  • Remains of the World Trade Center
    DIIS Auditorie
    Hvad gjorde 11. september ved Vestens syn på krig, sikkerhed og soldaten?
  • Photo
    This webinar launches the publication “Religion, Conflict and Global Society – A Festschrift Celebrating Mark Juergensmeyer” edited by Mona Kanwal Sheikh and Isak Svensson. Some of the distinguished contributors and Mark Juergensmeyer will address the themes that the book takes up, such as conceptual debates on secularism, cosmic war, and the globalization of Global Studies.
  • Tyrkiet hvorfra hvorhen bog fra forlaget Orbis
    Kom til virtuel bogreception og få en forsmag på den nye bog 'Tyrkiet hvorfra, hvorhen?' og mød tre af bidragyderne
  • Does more information save imigrants lives
    Webinar launch of new report about West African migrants’ use of information en route to Europe
  • Lossada and Diop
    How does the EU's migration agenda influence policy-making in Africa and the Middle East?
  • progress in developmemt studies
    DIIS senior researcher Adam Fejerskov has been appointed new associate editor of Progress in Development Studies.
  • School-girls-running-next-to-the-security-barrier-in-east-jerusalem
    Online via Zoom
    How will the Trump plan for solving the Israeli – Palestinian conflict and the recent normalization between UAE and Bahrain and Israel impact the future situation for the Palestinians?