Nordiske lande og Baltikum

DIIS' forskning i de nordiske lande og Baltikum fokuserer på betydningen af stormagtsrivaliseringen i Østersøregionen og på danske samarbejdsrelationer med især de nordiske og de baltiske lande.

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Rigsarkiv Helsinki Finland
    DIIS Auditorium
    Archives have played and continue to play a crucial role in decolonisation processes in the North. And control over archives regarding colonial histories today play key roles in truth and reconciliation processes playing out in the North.
  • Iver Huitfeldt navy ship to the Red Sea
    DIIS, auditorium
    Hvad vil houthierne opnå med deres angreb, og hvad kan konsekvensen blive af den danske deltagelse i modangrebet? Det giver fire eksperter svar på til dette seminar
  • People in Taiwan
    DIIS, auditorium
    This DIIS seminar takes a closer look at recent developments in Cross-Strait relations and the wider Taiwan conflict as seen from a European perspective
  • Big Loop of Saar River near Orscholz, Mettlach, Saarland, Germany, Europe
    DIIS Auditorium
    Power, theory and practice are each inescapable for understanding international relations. In the case of all three, Stefano Guzzini's contributions have been core to advancing scholarship
  • Zelensky speaking at United Nations headquaters
    DIIS Auditorium
    Thant Myint-U, internationally recognized historian, grandson of former UN General Secretary U Thant, and former UN diplomat, will discuss his recent research on the "recovered history" of the UN. He will explore what this means for Denmark as a potential member of the Security Council 2025 - 2026 and how the UN can address regional conflicts, like Myanmar
  • kenya food distribution via fingerprint tech system
    DIIS Auditorium
    How do NGOs use algorithms and data-driven tools for predictive analysis in their humanitarian response?
  • Evakuering af afghanere i Kabul
    DIIS Auditorium
    DIIS inviterer til offentligt seminar om kendskabet til de lokale forhold i Afghanistan i de 20 år, Danmark var tilstede. Arrangementet er et led i den igangværende uvildige historiske udredning af Danmarks indsats i Afghanistan 2001 til 2021
  • European Political Community, European Union
    Online via Zoom
    Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has upended the political constellation of the wider Europe. In the wake of the invasion, The European Political Community (EPC) was launched in October 2022 by 44 European countries, including all 27 EU member states. The EPC's establishment raises new questions about the European security architecture and institutional alignment in light of Russia’s invasion. At this webinar we take a closer look at what this new body can and cannot achieve.
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Både ved strand
    DIIS Auditorium
    Autoetnography is emerging as a trend in current research. Come and reflect on the different ways to use personal experience and positionality with four migration scholars
  • Children in Uummannaq
    The auditorium in Pikialaarfik (the black building next to Ilisimatusarfik/University of Greenland Kivioq 5, Nuuk
    For at forstå, hvad det er for en kurs, Grønland måske er ved at vælge, inviterer DIIS i samarbejde med Ilisimatusarfik/Grønlands Universitet til seminar i Nuuk
  • Albania in the UN Security Council
    Denmark has launched its campaign for the UNSC in 2025-2026 but what can Denmark hope to achieve in the UN Security Council if elected?
  • Drone and soldier - Baltic Sea
    Highly relevant 1,5-day conference with over 20 experts on security challenges in the Baltic Sea Region
  • Blinken og Lavrov corona greeting
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar brings together officials and experts from Denmark, Greenland, Norway and Finland to discuss the current and future state of the Arctic Council following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
  • afghanistan-udredning-forskere
    DIIS Nyhed
    I forbindelse med udredningen om Danmarks deltagelse i krigen i Afghanistan afholdt DIIS den 8. til 9. december 2022 en workshop for en række forskere og eksperter tilknyttet udredninger og evalueringer i Holland, Norge, Storbritannien, Sverige, Tyskland og USA. For at sikre den fortsatte vidensdeling tog DIIS samtidig initiativ til etablering af et netværk for Afghanistan-udredninger.
  • nuclear energy
    Online via Zoom
    This webinar invites four experts on nuclear energy from Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany to discuss the future of nuclear energy in the respective countries of the Baltic Sea
  • UN Security Council - Norway
    DIIS, Auditorium
    How small states can navigate the UNSC in the new era of great power rivalry
  • climate-change-greenland-great-artic-melt-research
    DIIS Nyhed
    I et nyt ph.d.-projekt skal Lin Alexandra Mortensgaard på DIIS undersøge samspillet mellem international politik og klimaforskningen i Arktis. Målet er en større forståelse af hvordan materielle begrænsninger og politiske idéer og beslutninger er med til at afgøre, hvordan klimaforskningen foregår i praksis, og hvad det betyder for international politik, herunder for sikkerhedspolitik.
  • dansk flag og EU flag
    Online via Zoom
    Dette DIIS webinar sætter fokus på hvilke nye muligheder, der er for Danmarks engagement i EU’s institutioner, og hvordan de bedst kan udnyttes
  • Mining machinery in Greenland
    What motivates Chinese companies - and their Western counterparts?
  • Soldater med flagstang og Dannebrog ifm. flagdag
    Auditorium, DIIS
    Er du i tvivl om, hvad det er, vi skal stemme om 1. juni? Så kom til morgenkaffe på DIIS og få en lyn-gennemgang af EU’s forsvarssamarbejde og betydningen af det danske forbehold
  • Cover DIIS Report 2022 01 Women on the move
    Online via Zoom
    In the past years we have seen images of West African women en route to Europe crossing the Mediterranean and currently newspapers and media are brimming with images of Ukrainian women.
  • Bilateral meeting between NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and US Vice President Joe Biden
    From Trump to Biden
  • arktis-set-fra-rummet
    Nyt forskningsprojekt
    I et nyt forskningsprojekt skal post.doc. Marc Jacobsen undersøge, hvordan Danmark og Grønland sammen og hver for sig håndterer Arktis’ nye geopolitiske nøgleposition.
  • puzzle, china, denmark, finland
    How relations between China and the Nordic-Baltic countries were disrupted