Udvikling af demokrati og varig fred

Varig fred kræver legitime samfundsstrukturer. Hvis politiske og sociale systemer bygger på undertrykkelse og ulighed, stiger risikoen for borgerkrig. Men hvordan kan samfund udvikle sig sådan, at konflikter og interessemodsætninger løses med fredelige midler i stedet for med våben?

Forskning og aktiviteter

  • Muslim militant in sunset
    DIIS Auditorium
    Why have we never seen peace negotiations with current or former affiliates of al-Qaeda or the Islamic State? And what could we expect to happen if such a strategy was in fact pursued?
  • Soldater i Vestafrika
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar sheds light on the myriad challenges shaping West Africa and discusses the recent political upheavals, the growing influence of Russia, and the complex web of migration patterns intersecting the region and beyond
  • UN soldier
    DIIS Auditorium
    The closure of the UN mission in Mali in 2023 is bound to open up many questions about the future of peacekeeping as a form of multilateral intervention. Join this seminar to learn more from leading experts in the field
  • Somaliland
  • Cover Gender-responsive development DIIS WP 2023 11.jpg
    DIIS Working Paper
    opportunities for co-operation between the African Union, its member states and Denmark
  • Myanmar people waiting outside prison
    DIIS Auditorium
    This seminar discusses what it means for people in Myanmar to ‘live with crisis’ in the context of escalating and intersecting forms of crisis
  • Demonstration Palæstina
    Modstanden er det eneste, det internationale samfund og Israel har efterladt til palæstinenserne. Efterladt og omgivet af arabiske stater, der prioriterer diplomatiske forbindelser til Israel, ville palæstinenserne til sidst indse, at de havde tabt deres sag, sagde Netanyahu i februar. Denne proces har Hamasangrebet sat på pause eller ligefrem sønderskudt. Nu er alle de tendenser til afspænding i Mellemøsten, som i længere tid havde været i gang, kortsluttet.
  • Den amerikanske mission
    Ny bog går bag om den amerikanske sikkerhedspolitik og beskriver, hvordan den er formet af protestantisme og myter om civilisation og magt.
  • banner diis event africa
    Online Zoom meeting
    In this webinar, national and regional practitioners of the women, peace and security agenda exchange their experiences in advancing women’s role in peace governance and challenges for policy implementation in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali and beyond
  • emmerson-mnangagwa-vladimir-putin
    Efter endnu et miskrediteret valg i Zimbabwe vil standardreaktionen fra det internationale samfund formentlig være endnu en gang at vende Zimbabwe ryggen. Og endnu en gang vil resultatet ikke være opblomstring af demokrati og reformer. I stedet vil Zimbabwe styrke båndene til Kina, Rusland og Mellemøsten.
  • Hand-over of reoport in Norway's Stortinget
    Digital publikation
    A public reading of Norway’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission final report took 35 hours and was broadcast live. But during its five years of work, the TRC rarely made national headlines. Most Norwegians know little about Indigenous and national minorities’ language, culture and history. Those groups are still struggling to have their rights respected, the report found. Follow-up of the TRC recommendations is therefore crucial, say three scholars.
  • DIIS_PB_Women_Peace_Security_WEb_Cover.jpg
    DIIS Policy Brief
    Experiences of implementing the women, peace and security (WPS) agenda in African countries indicate a need to focus on engaging civil society and grassroots actors as well as developing adequate reporting systems. Denmark’s candidacy for the non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) in 2025-26 would benefit from a strong position on the implementation of the women, peace and security agenda both nationally and locally by all UN member states.
  • zimbabwe-election-emmerson-mnangagwa-zanu-pf
    Det er noget de har manglet det meste af den postkoloniale periode. Men er manglen på fremskridt efter Zimbabwes afkolonisering udelukkende de zimbabwiske lederes skyld? Eller bør vestlige lande også påtage sig noget ansvar?
  • zimbabwe-election-emmerson-mnangagwa-zanu-pf
    DIIS Comment
    Something they've been lacking for most of the post-colonial period. But is the lack of progress during the post-colonial era only a fault of Zimbabwean leaders? Or should Western countries also shoulder some responsibility?
  • Cover DIIS Report 2023 03 c Rasmus Fly Filbert
    DIIS Report
    Lack of local buy-in, funding gaps and weak reporting call ownership of gender-inclusive security policies into question
  • Moral injury and the humanities
    Betraying your own moral beliefs is a particular form of trauma. New book chapter explores the concept of ‘moral injury’ and how the psychological understanding of war has changed over the last twenty years.
  • Myanmar in crisis
    Living with the pandemic and the coup
  • Yemen
    Selvom en våbenstilstand fra april 2022 ikke umiddelbart førte til fredsforhandlinger, var det et skridt i retning af en unik mulighed for at afslutte den mere end otte år lange krig i Yemen. Men FN skal mere på banen, hvis der skal skabes varig fred.
  • Livestreaming
    DIIS Auditorium
    When disaster strike, diaspora groups are often first responders and remain engaged during lengthy and complex crises. Join this roundtable where we discuss practices, possibilities and pitfalls
  • Cover for the book Trade makes States
    The control of commodity flows can make and unmake state projects in the politically fragmented Somali territories, new book shows.
  • More powerful by the day
    Terror financing and disruption efforts in Somalia
  • Green zone Mogadishu
    New research questions the assumption that ‘green zones’ are effectively sealed off from the outside world.
  • Comparative studies in society and history
    Privilege, precarity, and colonial nostalgia among european security contractors in East Africa
