Working papers etc.

More bark than bite?

Assessing China’s coercive measures in Scandinavia

Amid growing concern about Chinese coercion, this article examines the extent to which Beijing has resorted to such measures in Scandinavia based on case studies of Denmark and Sweden. Distinguishing between the actual use of and threats of using coercive measures, the article finds few instances of coercion even if Chinese authorities have repeatedly warned of negative consequences of violating China’s interests in the case of Sweden, while frequently expressing anger and frustration at perceived provocations by the Danish government or NGOs. However, as relations between Norway and China have also recently deteriorated, the risks of Norway being subjected to Chinese coercion should be assessed in a broader geographical context given an increasing number of reported cases from other regions.

Denmark Sweden Norway

DIIS Eksperter

Andreas Bøje Forsby
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Senior Researcher
+45 6177 7111
More bark than bite
More bark than bite?
Assessing China’s coercive measures in Scandinavia