Cities for whom?

New research on urban renewal and its discontents

Most urban development projects promise a better future for a city and its population. But for low-income populations in targeted areas these promises often go unfulfilled or come with unanticipated downsides.

In a new special issue, DIIS researcher Marie Kolling brings together research from India, Vietnam, United States and Brazil, that reveals the conflicts and disenchantments urban renewal generate.

Focusing on particular development projects and the urban imaginaries they offer, the collection of articles show that the feeling of betrayal prompts people to mobilize their resources and reorganize their lives. Despite hardship, whether people organize protests or employ more subtle forms of contestations and insist on a life and a future in the city.

The special issue transcends the regional North-South divide that characterizes urban research. It is published in City & Society and co-edited with Martin Koster, Radboud University.

Read more about the publication here.

DIIS Eksperter

Marie Kolling
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5503