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Europe needs principles for intervention

DIIS researchers discuss the Mali intervention and its challenges
DIIS reserachers Rasmus Alenius Boserup and Mona Kanwal Sheikh calls for Danish and European leaders to elaborate clear principles for when, why and how to engage in military interventions to combat terrorism. In two different articles, Sheikh and Boserup analyse the pros and contras of Danish participation in the Mali-war, thereby kickstarting a debate that is relevant for other European countries also. The authors call for European leaders to engage with their publics in discussing and elaborating their future role facing a waning US interference in North West Africa and the Middle East and an increasing instability in these regions.

Click here to read the essay in English published by Open Democracy.

Click here to read the essay published by Politiken (in Danish).

Please note that DIIS in collaboration with Politiken hosts a debate about the issue Wednesday 20 February 2013, where the Danish Foreign Minister will participate among others. For more information see here.
Mali Denmark

DIIS Eksperter

Mona Kanwal Sheikh
Global security and worldviews
Head of unit, Senior researcher
+45 4089 0476
Europe needs principles for intervention