
Global climate change knowledge can limit adaptation approaches

New journal article on the political implications of climate knowledge

In climate change policy and practice, emphasis has been placed on spreading knowledge of climate change to enable appropriate responses. In this article Researcher Lily Lindegaard traces the flow of climate knowledge from global fora and organizations, through the formulation of national level climate policies, to the local officials responsible for climate change adaptation on the ground. While global climate knowledge is often perceived as neutral and technical, the article illustrates its inherent biases and the highly political nature of how it is deployed in practice.

Specifically, the article examines how global climate knowledge has been used by national authorities to shape local officials’ understandings of climate change. This shaped not only their understanding of the problem at hand, but also what kinds of adaptation solutions were appropriate. In this instance, climate change knowledge dissemination highlighted technical aspects and approaches to climate change. This directed attention away from structural and political issues, for instance unsustainable development pathways.

When used in this way, global climate knowledge can support business as usual approaches rather than transformational responses to climate change. And this can be a widespread issue – global climate knowledge dominates in policy circles and can support narrow understandings of the climate problem and the scope of response. It can in turn reinforce existing political and economic structures, directing attention away from underlying factors that shape how climate change impacts are felt and by whom.

Embracing a narrow understanding of climate change also limits alternative approaches to dealing with the complexity of climate challenges. The article illustrates the need for alternative approaches to climate change – these could support diverse understandings of the problems at hand and potential solutions, giving a more robust and pluralistic basis for addressing climate challenges.


DIIS Eksperter

Lily Salloum Lindegaard
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
Global climate change knowledge can limit adaptation approaches
Global Climate Change Knowledge and the Production of Climate Subjects in Vietnam
Forum for Development Studies, 2019