DIIS Report

Climate action in Uganda: Need for local funding

DIIS Report suggests the need for a mechanism that channels funding directly to local governments

In spite of recent progress at COP 21, international funding for climate change adaptation in Africa is likely to be inadequate. Providing support in a cost-effective way is therefore crucial. However, New National Climate Change Policy favors a model of de-concentration where central ministries have decision-making power and control over finance, while the role of rural local governments is reduced to implementing partners.

This is argued by DIIS senior researcher Esbern Friis-Hansen together with Ugandan colleagues in this report titled ‘Local government engagement with climate change adaptation in Uganda’.

The report calls for a mechanism that enables international funding to be channeled directly to the administrative and political levels where climate action takes place. Empirical fieldwork from Uganda suggests that local politics matters for successful adaptation to climate change and requires direct involvement of stakeholders in priority setting at the sub-county level.

DIIS Eksperter

Esbern Friis Hansen
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5434
Local government engagement with climate change adaptation in Uganda