

Mission Kvindehandel

Shot in Copenhagen, Denmark, Trafficking follows the specially appointed anti- trafficking-squad of the Copenhagen police force over the course of six months. Through two policewomen, Anne and Trine, the film brings the viewer into a number of specific cases, such as a raid among Nigerian women in the red light district, the unravelling of a presumed Romanian trafficking network and the case against Mary, a suspected Nigerian madam.

The film illuminates the paradoxes of migration control, policing and humanitarianism in a Danish context while simultaneously pointing to the broader dilemmas within global migration governance.

Danish title: Mission Kvindehandel
Directed by Sine Plambech & Judith Lansade
Produced by Upfront Films for DR1

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Information: Menneskehandlens rollehæfte er ikke så lige til

Dansk Film Institut: Kampen mod menneskehandel

The Art of the Possible: Making films on sex work migration and human trafficking

DIIS Experts

Sine Plambech
Migration and global order
Senior Researcher
+45 6065 0479
Mission Kvindehandel