Birth, Death and Femininity

New book edited and co-authored by DIIS researcher

Indiana University Press has just released a new book, Birth, Death, and Femininity; Philosophies of Embodiment, which senior researcher Robin May Schott (DIIS, Holocaust and genocide) has edited and co-authored.

The book is the collaborative work of four women philosophers in the Nordic countries: Sara Heinämaa (Finland), Robin May Schott (Denmark), Vigdis Songe-Møller (Norway), Sigridur Thorgeirsdottir (Iceland).

The book analyzes gendered aspects of philosophical discourses of birth and death. Schott's three chapters focus on the role and impact of sexual violence for political communities. She analyzes both the violence that is internal to political communities, such as in practices of sacrifice, and the violence that takes place between political groups, such as in war rape.

See more about the book at Indiana University Press

DIIS Experts

Robin May Schott
Peace and violence
Senior Researcher
+45 9132 5508