Antisemitism in Denmark

The 'spill over effect' of the sitaution in the Middle East on minorities in Europe
A new series of anti-Semitic attacks in Denmark was recently reported in Danish news. The attacks can be seen as a spill over effect of the situation in the Middle East. Jews in Denmark are being held responsible for the conduct of the Israeli state, argues Senior Researcher Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke in an interview with the national daily, Berlingske Tidende. “To blame Jews in Denmark for what is going on in the Middle East is a very unfortunate development, and has to do with an increased lack of knowledge on European Jewish history, Judaism and anti-Semitism,“ says Banke.

In 2006, DIIS published a report on anti-Semitism and anti-Muslim attitudes among Danish youngsters, based on interviews with teachers in Danish high schools, “Eleverne skal lære at skelne”, DIIS Report 2006:4. Among other things the report concluded that both Muslims and Jews in Denmark are affected by international developments like 9/11 and the Middle East conflict. The report recommends education and more information on religious minorities as a way of meeting this challenge.

See the article in Berlingske Tidende
Read the DIIS report on antisemitism and anti-Muslim attitudes

“Recent rise in anti-Semitic incidents in the EU”
EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) releases new data on anti-Semitic incidents in the EU,

Read related newspaper articles:
EU anti-Semitism rises on Mideast tensions: agency

DIIS Experts

Cecilie Felicia Stokholm Banke
Foreign policy and diplomacy
Head of unit, Senior researcher
+45 3269 8938