The crisis of humanitarianism

DIIS, KU & CBS launch new research network

Still more humanitarian organizations continue to come into being. Still more military and political interventions are framed as humanitarian assistance. And still more narratives or images of suffering among crisis-affected populations are made available to us in the less risk-prone Western societies to contemplate. A recurring observation in the recent research literature is that we are living in a humanitarian age.

The new research network INTERVENTIONS is a forum for research on contemporary humanitarianism.

INTERVENTIONS is lead by Researcher at the Danish Institute for International Studies, DIIS, Sine Plambech, Associate Professor Anne Vestergaard at the Copenhagen Business School and Devika Sharma, Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen.

The network is funded by The Danish Research Council - FKK.

DIIS Experts

Sine Plambech
Migration and global order
Senior Researcher
+45 6065 0479