Inequality and its importance for environmental governance in Central America

Policy brief highlights research findings and implications for local governance
Comparative research conducted in Nicaragua, Guatemala and El Salvador examined the importance of economic inequality for the quality and the democratic embedment of district-level environmental governance. The policy brief Territorial Governance of Natural Resources published as part of the Key Aspects of Territorial Development series by Rimisp-Latin American Centre for Rural Development highlights the key findings and policy implications from this research. The research was conducted by Helle Munk Ravnborg (coordinator), DIIS; Rolando Buitrago and Ligia Ivette Gómez, Nitlapan; Rafael Cartagena, Elias Escobar and Ileana Gómez, Prisma; and Victoria Pelaez, Rafael Landivar University.

The Policy Brief was prepared in Spanish and is also available in English

The policy brief is based on the following reports:

Gómez, L. y Buitrago, R. 2012. “Gobernanza territorial de los recursos naturales en Nicaragua. El caso del territorio lechero de Santo Tomás y del territorio ganadero/cafetalero de Estelí-Condega”. Documento de Trabajo N° 114. Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales. Rimisp, Santiago, Chile

Peláez, A.V., Ríos Monzón, E. y Lemus, M.A. 2012. “Desigualdad económica y social y gobernanza en uso de los recursos naturales”. Documento de Trabajo N° 115. Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales. Rimisp, Santiago, Chile.

Gomez, I., Escobar, E. y Cartagena, R.E. 2012. “La gobernanza territorial de los recursos naturales”. Documento de Trabajo N° 113. Programa Dinámicas Territoriales Rurales. Rimisp, Santiago, Chile.

DIIS Experts

Helle Munk Ravnborg
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher