Journal Article

The "success" of the G20

The poor performance of the G20 calls for viable alternatives: here is one!

As the G20 leaders convene in Los Cabos, Mexico, it may be worthwhile taking stock of the performance of this self-acclaimed “premier forum” of global economic governance. In a just published article in Journal of Economic Issues, Robert Wade (LSE) and Jakob Vestergaard (DIIS) argue that even when it comes to the results identified by the G20 itself as its main achievements, G20 performance has in fact been far from adequate, to say the least.

But does it matter? After all, there is no alternative, is there? Wade and Vestergaard argue that there is indeed an alternative, certain to be more legitimate in terms of representation and likely to be more legitimate in terms of outputs, at least in the longer term. The online journal e-International Relations have just published a quick introduction to Vestergaard and Wade's blueprint for Global Economic Governance 2.0.

For a more elaborate treatment of the topic see a forthcoming article of the Global Policy journal, available in Early View format.

The Governance response to the great recession
the "success" of the G20
Journal of Economic Issues, 46, 2012