
New special issue explores policing practices in cities

Case studies from around the world

How does policing take place in cities? What do police officers think about their role in what are at times war-like situations? This special issue of Environment and Planning D: Society and Space explores case studies on policing in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. The special issue is particularly timely at a time when the role of the police in society is being discussed and challenged, and in some cases, like the United States, severely criticized for being both brutal and racist.


From Aarhus in Denmark, to Nairobi in Kenya and Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, the articles explore how police officers respond to violent crime, assumed radicalization among young people, and limited resources to carry out their constitutionally defined role of enforcing internal security.


Access the introduction to the special issue, Urban Borderwork: Ethnographies of Policing here

DIIS Experts

 Peter Albrecht
Global security and worldviews
Senior Researcher
+45 3269 8772
Special Issue: Urban Borderwork: Ethnographies of Policing