DIIS Working Paper

Governing Climate Mobility

A scoping study of two localities in Ethiopia

Climate change is widely expected to produce new and/or intensified mobility patterns, including migration and displacement. However, research on the relationship between climate change and human mobility is limited, especially regarding the roles of governance and interventions that intentionally or otherwise shape mobility responses.

The Governing Climate Mobility (GCM) Research Programme seeks to address this gap by examining the relationships between climate change, mobility and governance in Ghana and Ethiopia. In this DIIS Working Paper a range of socio-economic, environmental, demographic and not least governance dimensions are presented to enable future explorations of their roles in shaping mobility practices in Ethiopia as slow onset climate change occurs.

The programme’s case-study localities are in the South Wollo and West Arsi Zones of Ethiopia. The paper complements a similar paper (DIIS Working Paper 2021: 10) covering the two GCM case-study localities in Ghana.

Cover DIIS Working Paper 2021 13
Governing Climate Mobility
A scoping study of two localities in Ethiopia