DIIS Report

G20 and Beyond

The G20 claims that its "economic weight and broad membership gives it a high degree of legitimacy". However, in a setting where the great majority of countries have no voice and influence, any claim to 'representational' legitimacy is less than convincing.

New report analyzes the legitimacy problems of the G20, the report focuses particularly on matters of inclusion and exclusion. It is stressed that the existing membership is based on no objective criteria and by implication that the member countries are by no means simply the twenty largest countries of the world.

Jakob Vestergaard on the G20:

Jakob Vestergaard
The G20 and beyond
Towards effective global economic governance
DIIS Report 2011:04

Robert Wade and Jakob Vestergaard
Overhaul the G20 for the sake of the G172
The Financial Times, 22 October 2010

Jakob Vestergaard
FromG20 to Global Economic Council
DIIS Comment, 16 March, 2011

Jakob Vestergaard
G20 - splittet, udemokratisk og ineffektivt
Giv os multilateralismen tilbage!
DIIS Comment, 12. november 2010

The G20 and beyond
towards effective global economic governance