Tanzania is a union that’s cracking at the seams?

A new draft constitution is calling into question Zanzibar´s relations with the mainland
The union between Zanzibar and Tanzania Mainland is starting to show fault lines. A draft constitution – now being debated in a Constituent Assembly – offers the islands the prospect of greater autonomy. Within the ruling party, CCM, opinions are divided on the issue. Many fear for the nation's unity. Alliances are crumbling and historical truths are being re-examined.
The analysis by Ole Therkildsen and Rasmus Hundsbæk Pedersen (pdf, 100 KB) was published in the Tanzanian newspaper The Citizen 26 March 2014.

You can read more about Tanzanian politics in the DIIS Working Paper 'Continuity and change in Tanzania's ruling coalition. Legacies, crises and weak productive capacity'.

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