Doctrinal War

What happens when religion and secularism enter the field of security politics?
In a new article published by e-International Relations DIIS researcher Mona Kanwal Sheikh argues why it is important for IR to bring the powerful formation of doctrinal war into focus. She also points out that new approaches to diplomacy and conflict resolution are warranted in order to break security dilemmas that are simultaneously upheld by fear and the assertion of hardened doctrines.

From the article:
“Doctrinal conflicts are an increasingly important part of international conflict, as yet little attended to by the scholars of IR. During the past decade, sufficient empirical evidence points to the fact that doctrines of order, sovereignty and governance (packaged into labels of ‘secularism’ and ‘religion’), matter for the major conflict line between entities such as Islamism and the West – not in terms of irreconcilable civilizational categories per se, but when they enter the field of security politics.”

Read the full article here.

DIIS Experts

Mona Kanwal Sheikh
Global security and worldviews
Head of unit, Senior researcher
+45 4089 0476