Aid reform: OECD neglecting southern voices

Opinion piece in The Guardian on the reform of Official Development Assistance

During its current proces of reforming Official Development Assistance, OECD-DAC are ignoring all the mantras of inclusion, ownership and accountability towards the global south that it has long championed, at least vocally.

In an Opinion Piece published in The Guardian, DIIS researcher Adam Moe Fejerskov and Niels Keijzer from the German Development Institute, call on the OECD-DAC to initiate and sustain a structured and accountable dialogue with developing countries, to allow the input of these in current and future dicussions on aid reforms.

Only by doing so may OECD-DAC move away from an outdated north-south approach that more resembles the 1970s (during which, the original ODA definition was settled), than todays far more equal political relations. Inability to do so will greatly weaken its credibility and potentially render it obsolete as an important forum for political matters on development cooperation.

Read the opinion piece in The Guardian: ‘Aid reform: southern voices excluded from crucial discussions’.

DIIS Experts

Adam Fejerskov
Sustainable development and governance
Senior Researcher
+45 3269 8779