DIIS Policy Brief

Prevention of terrorism after the Copenhagen Shootings

Trends in recent attacks in the West

The brief analyses choice of targets, methods and perpetrators in the 14 attacks which have been defined as terrorism in the West since 2012 and identifies a series of trends: simple attacks with small arms against representatives of the power of state, freedom of speech or Jews, carried out by one or a few individuals who were already known by authorities.

On the basis of the analyses Ann-Sophie Hemmingsen offers a series of recommendations including that:

  • Authorities must maintain a broad approach to the prevention of new attacks – not just focus on the latest tendencies, threats or targets.
  • Cooperation between authorities should be a priority and the coordinating responsibility should be centralised.
  • Individuals suspected or convicted of terrorism-related crimes should neither be isolated nor placed randomly. They should be placed among individuals who they can neither influence nor learn from.
  • Concrete guidelines for handling terror suspects, convicts and radicalisation should be integrated into the supplementary training of prison staff and police as well as basic training of future staff.
  • Consideration should be given to possible risks associated with confiscating passports as a preventive measure.
Understanding and prevention after the Copenhagen shootings
Trends in recent attacks in the West