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Dino Krause

Global security and worldviews

Primary research areas

Dino Krause’s research focuses on the dynamics of armed conflicts with jihadist non-state actors. In particular, he is interested in the role played by the Islamic State and al-Qaeda as the two leading transnational jihadist networks.

Current research

In his Postdoc project, Dino Krause investigates dynamics related to the de-escalation of armed conflicts with transnational jihadist actors. He specifically focuses on negotiations leading to ceasefires, humanitarian access in war-affected areas, prisoner releases, as well as how civil resistance campaigns can affect ongoing jihadist conflicts. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, his project aims at identifying recurring trends across conflict zones.


Dino Krause is a part of the international research project “Transnational Jihad”, which is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and led by Dr. Mona Kanwal Sheikh. The project aims at advancing our understanding of one of the greatest contemporary challenges on the international agenda for peace and security, namely the ability of transnational jihadist movements to tap into local conflicts, hence escalating violence.